fab tree hab is a living graft prefab structure by terreform one
all images courtesy of terreform one





terreform one is known for generating adaptive structural forms that respond to our global social and environmental changes. the new york studio’s ‘fab tree hab’ proposal is a living graft prefab structure that has been conceived as a dwelling to replace the outdated architectural design solutions for habitat for humanity. terreform one envisions the dwelling as a growing, living form, born from native trees whereby once they have reached a substantial size, a living structure is grafted into shape (through prefabricated CNC reusable scaffolds) at the base of their trunk. composed of 100% living nutrients, the ‘fab tree hab’ would fit symbiotically into its surrounding ecosystem, where ultimately human life is subsumed with terrestrial environs.

the ‘fab tree hab’ is being presented in the ‘this is alive’ exhibition at espace fondation EDF in paris until september 1st, 2013.



fab tree hab is a living graft prefab structure by terreform one
the prefab structure would see a living structure grafted at the base of a tree



fab tree hab is a living graft prefab structure by terreform one
the ‘fab tree hab’ envisions the dwelling as something fully integrated into its ecosystem



fab tree hab is a living graft prefab structure by terreform one
possible structure



fab tree hab is a living graft prefab structure by terreform one
generation of form