‘second hinterlands’ by natalya egon and noel turgeon
(above) glacier cliffs – washington square park, new york city



as a response to a competition prompt by ‘coldscapes: new visions for cold weather cities’, natalya egon and noel turgeon developed ‘second hinterlands’ which proposes a defined and intentional shift in our current snow collection and clearing practices following the winter storm. rather than the immediate clearing of the city streets,the proposal identifies a portion of the city that is transformed via the lack of snow removal and strategic snow relocation. shifting territories every year, each winter brings new forms, drifts, and an entirely unique exposed landscape. inhabitants actively engage themselves with the newly formed landscape while neighborhood boundaries dissolve as the softscape of snow meets the hardscape of the city.



second hinterlands: transforming winter cities with snow relocation
dunes, red square, moscow



second hinterlands: transforming winter cities with snow relocation
peaks – senate square, helsinki


second hinterlands: transforming winter cities with snow relocation
urban hinterlands


second hinterlands: transforming winter cities with snow relocation
landforms to snowforms