departing from its original meaning, decoration is not a secondary or complementary function anymore, but an architectural quality. many emerging architects and studios are struggling to settle with the repeatedly omitted, yet constantly resurfacing ornament. presenting different approaches by young collectives, the works at the exhibition organized by paradigma ariadné examine the current roles and boundaries of the ornament, by appropriating the late industrial school’s empty, undecorated walls. 12, to be precise.

12 walls exhibition explores roles of ornaments in architecture nowadays designboom
these lines have always been virtual, by space popular



at the turn of the century, arts were greatly influenced by two terms — motif and ornament. the achievements of this period include budapest’s lajos schoditsch’s industrial school (later the elementary school of music) or, across the street, istván medgyaszay’s petőfi theater, a symbol of veszprém today. the two buildings are awaiting renovation, and soon their histories will be even more interconnected, as the industrial school will serve as an office building for the theater. prior to the renovation, there is an opportunity to reflect on the questions significant for medgyaszay and the architects of his time, by investigating what ornament and decoration mean for young architects today.

12 walls exhibition explores the role of ornamentation in contemporary architecture



in recent years, there is a novel interest in the ornament. this tendency is apparent in the international scene of architecture both in individual productions and in isolated discussions. while this interest is definitely linked to the rediscovery of the post-modern architecture and approach, the opportunities provided by digital design tools and the latest accomplishments of the construction sector will result in completely new aspects. 

12 walls exhibition explores the role of ornamentation in contemporary architecture


12 walls exhibition explores roles of ornaments in architecture nowadays designboom
virtual acanthus leaves


12 walls exhibition explores the role of ornamentation in contemporary architecture


12 walls exhibition explores the role of ornamentation in contemporary architecture
CAD hatches by AU workshop


12 walls exhibition explores the role of ornamentation in contemporary architecture
contemporaneity by giacomo pala


12 walls exhibition explores the role of ornamentation in contemporary architecture
dorique paroi by paradigma ariadné


12 walls exhibition explores the role of ornamentation in contemporary architecture
brand of veszprém by enorme studio


12 walls exhibition explores the role of ornamentation in contemporary architecture
instant elevation by andrew kovacs


12 walls exhibition explores the role of ornamentation in contemporary architecture


12 walls exhibition explores the role of ornamentation in contemporary architecture

project info:


organizers: paradigma ariadné, veszprém-balaton 2023 share company

curators: heléna csóka, dávid smiló, attila róbert csóka, szabolcs molnár

consultant: dániel kovács

graphic design: marcell kazsik

graphics production: neopaint

participants: architecture uncomfortable workshop, enorme studio, false mirror office, gyulai levente, adam nathaniel furman, andrew kovacs, mnpl workshop, giacomo pala, paradigma ariadné, space popular, trees, very good office