a carved and painted replica luxury watch/display box!!
at approximately 1:1 scale, this object is designed to occupy
the physical and economic space of a REAL replica luxury watch!
you might want to read the small print
the untitled project store is part of the exhibition ‘transactions‘ at the blanton museum of art,
austin, texas, september 11 – november 18, 2007.
commodity fetishism by untitled projects / conrad bakker
bakker’s work is a critique of consumer culture, but is also intended to  function within it.
his ‘untitled projects‘ are hand-carved, hand-painted wooden objects, each one a unique work of art.
the roughness of the carving and painting is both a mark of their individuality
and indicative of the fact that these are made-to-order, replicas of mass-produced
goods, questioning assumptions of what is an original and what is a copy.   
bakker uses everyday systems of distribution, such as eBay, trade fairs  and mail order
catalogues to circumvent the gallery system.
commodity fetishism by untitled projects / conrad bakker
‘so it is in the world of commodities with the products of men’s hands.
I call this the fetishism which attaches itself to the products of labour as
soon as they are produced as commodities,
and is therefore inseparable from the production of commodities.
as the foregoing analysis has already demonstrated,
this fetishism of the world of commodities arises from the peculiar
social character of labour which produces them.’
karl marx (capital, volume 1, section 4)
bakker’s carved and painted copies of karl marx’s capital cost £18.99
(the current market value of its Penguin paperback counterpart)
and can be purchased by mail order from irresistible magazine
offer expires 25 november.