DIY stereoviewer allows you to visualize lightpainting in 3D
all images courtesy of




artist jadikan has created the pattern for a DIY stereo viewer, which allows viewers to visualize light painting in 3-D.solid one‘ is a downloadable and printable device, whose lenses permit the multi-dimentional appearance of an otherwise static photograph. using the medium of light to paint compositions and graphics in mid-air (with a technique that requires the rapid movement of a light source in front of a camera) jadikan has formed a series of prints which can be seen through the hand-held, constructed unit.



solid light
video courtesy of




the form draws inspiration from that of a stereo camera: a type of picture-taking device with two or more lenses — each with a separate image sensor — allowing it to simulate three-dimensional images. together with photographer jean-francois delamarre, jadikan presents 8 stereo photographs with lightpainting. each artworks have been taken with a voigtländer stereflektoskop and medium format color slide. the original digital film is cut and reassemblated between 2 glass slice, creating a double image ready to be placed in a stereo viewer and be seen as a diorama.

DIY stereoviewer lightpainting 3D
the printable and downloadable ‘solid one’ stereo viewer

DIY stereoviewer allows you to visualize lightpainting in 3D
four images to be seen using the device

‘ 140 secondes’ — example of jadikan’s light painting work

DIY stereoviewer allows you to visualize lightpainting in 3D
‘305 secondes’

DIY stereoviewer allows you to visualize lightpainting in 3D
’80 secondes’

DIY stereoviewer allows you to visualize lightpainting in 3D
‘automatic reply’