party survival cupcakes

party survival cupcakes by alice labadini from italy

designer's own words:

Is there such a thing as an after-party survival kit? Throughout the pages of history, there are glimpses of such a legendary kit. Reaching as far back as the first Roman orgy, perhaps maybe even as far as the first Neolithic line dance, people have needed some knowledge of what to do when they wake up and say, "UGH! WHAT HAPPENED?!"
The party functional sweets enhance the natural properties of aliments to generate physiological conditions in relation to prototypical party situations. Each sweet is projected around the precise need for organic performance. According to a combination of the properties of its ingredients a second – functional - qualification is given which overlaps an unforgettably delicious taste.
When dancing and chatting chocolate will tune up the humour and saffron will stimulate adrenalin, while coffee will prevent headache to rise when drinking too much alcohol. The after effects of hangover will be prevented by ingesting a small amount of specially processed calcium carbonate and charcoal, as well as carrot, fennel, celery and artichoke for instance will prevent our liver to suffer from assumption of alcoholic drink.
The Party Functional Sweets will therefore be aliments that stimulate the body physiologically, while so offering a new model for responsible yet playful assumption of food.
Thus they will moreover result provocative of a very contemporary attitude to take substances so to interfere with body reactions in our daily life while developing a parallel addiction to organic/bilogic nourishment.

Is there such a thing as a party survival kit?

copy_6_table.jpg The party functional sweets enhance the natural properties of aliments to generate physiological conditions in relation to prototypical party situations

copy_0_gola.jpg in the party survival sweets a functional qualification is given which overlaps an unforgettably delicious taste