think/green; or cutting plants with neutra

think/green; or cutting plants with neutra by lagacé benoît-simon from canada

designer's own words:

In 1968 – a year before post-modernism would erupt into the public sphere – Hans Hollein gave modernism one of its fatal blows. The project exposed the inherent flaws within the expectations bestowed on modernism itself– the expected all encompassing resolution of all problem through its simple embodiment.

[Virtues and vices]
Some 20 years latter, Bruce Nauman exposed
the latent paradox in human nature through a
series of clashing vices and virtues.
HOPE/ENVY paints a vivid picture of the
flawed hope we place in our virtuous acts,
while masking the productive desire machines in us all.

Be GREEN but also THINK/Green unravels through
the way these scenarios insinuate themsleves
in society. This embodies hope, and exposes
the perverse nature that has deformed the
token green movement into fashion and consumption.

Absurdly plausible, the project seeks to engage
every inhabitant of the city to create and participate in a green movement” using 3 scales
[the object/personal, the building/group and the city/society]
First, citizens are asked to harvest patches of “green carpet” which they will grow and temporarily use, to later bring them at a neighborhood “green out-post”.

There, a “green agent” in charge of organizing the “green initiative” in the sector, helps to collect and assemble all the smaller carpets into a “green roll”.

Finally, this roll is used to fix the city: non-spaces are transformed into mini-urban oases; abandoned parking lots become soccer fields; un-appealing buildings are transformed with green-façades; and beaches and ungreen nature are invested with inviting green strips.

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