message in a bottle...

message in a bottle... by from

designer's own words:

This bar is dedicated to people who like experimental futuristic journeys. Going out in a bar, means change our usual environment. This design is specific for Beck’s: smooth and techno, the Beck’s outlet is an hybrid of a cheap low-technology magnifying the beck’s bottle and liquid shapes refering to the beer.

The Beck’s bottle is used as the main material. As a pixel with integrated light, the bottle becomes part of a luminous screen which offers different possibilities like: text messaging from people’s mobile phone or Beck’s own messages. The bottles can be connected to the music played and animate the bar as a night-club. The bottle becomes stand for everyone’s expression.
The message is in the Beck’s bottle.

All the other ingredients of the bar are absorbed in a « liquid landscape with outgrowths », black to emphasize on the luminous eye-catching wall.

message in a bottle…

copy_25_image2.jpg smooth and techno

copy_21_image3.jpg liquid landscape with outgrowths