door not disturb

door not disturb by david artuffo from italy

designer's own words:

The idea of an interactive door ( do_or not disturb ) born looking at middle ages doors that had a hole for have a look before open it. The holes in my door are a possibility of interaction even if the door is locked.

The zipper for privacy is only in one side, but it's possible to have a double-face zipper for a bilateral interaction.

With this door locked now many things as, a pet, a ringing gsm, the toilet paper, a kiss, the air... can pass through it.
Also the light can pass through with the use of a translucent material creating an interesting light effect in the house.

It is useful also for emergency if someone is locked inside it's simple and safe to reach the key only cutting off the pvc layer.

my door always locked, very open mind

copy_1_tavola2.gif interactive door