bialetti DIVA coffee machine by design group italia




bialetti has long been a household name for its production of stove-top coffee machines, known as ‘la caffeteria’ or ‘la macchinetta’ (little machine); though more widely used in europe in comparison to the popularity of making your cup of joe the drip brew way in north america. however, the use of capsule or pod coffee machines have been gaining popularity for their consistency and efficiency, such that bialetti commissioned design group italia to develop one for their growing product line of pod coffee machines in the form of ‘DIVA’, which still expresses the brand’s dedication to italian coffee culture as evidenced in its form and function, even if it is not brewed in the traditional way.



bialetti DIVA pod coffee machine by design group italia
‘DIVA’ pod coffee maker



this project has involved us, both intellectually and emotionally. the design of a coffee machine is exciting as it has to do with a daily habit and an ancient culture that involves millions of people, in italy and around  the world. furthermore working for a brand like bialetti, which represents the collective imagination of italian coffee, has been engaging for the design team. with this project we have tried to make an important contribution to the development and innovation of the daily routine of making coffee so that it becomes something intuitive and enjoyable. this machine is not aimed at recreating traditional shapes and habits, but something of a ‘new tradition’. the result is a coffee machine young and up to date. and making the coffee with a bialetti coffee maker is always amazing, now as then, now and forever.’ – ross de salvo, design group italia, DIVA coffee machine project leader



bialetti DIVA pod coffee machine by design group italia



bialetti DIVA pod coffee machine by design group italia



bialetti DIVA pod coffee machine by design group italia
how the machine functions


bialetti DIVA coffee machine
bialetti DIVA coffee machine
bialetti DIVA coffee machine
bialetti DIVA coffee machine
bialetti DIVA coffee machine
bialetti DIVA coffee machine
bialetti DIVA coffee machine
bialetti DIVA coffee machine