‘juice’ is the ‘first on-the-go cell phone battery that can charge smartphones anytime and anyplace’, from hani douaji. the conceptual visual designer was born and grew up in damascus, syria. after graduating in arts, design and performance in lancashire, england he joined the creative industry. since then he was picked up design accolades including the iF design award 2015; the dieline award 2015; and the the pandas award 2007. his work features amusing, novel imagery and clean graphics that are certain to catch attention, suchlike the waves and smiles he created with his packaging concept for chewing-gum brand trident.

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douaji’s work features clean graphics with novel imagery




the portable and disposable one-time use, battery concept is made to fit in pockets, purses or suitcases. ‘juice’ has the vision to allow cell phone users to stay connected, wherever they may be. the four hour disposable charger is built to charge drained mobiles from from 0–40%, and once its complete just throw it out. simple. hani douaji communicates that ‘juice’ features a range of two chargers–compatible with both iPhone plus android devices.

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the charger concept echoes the minimalist design of the packaging


hani douaji juice charger designboom
scale made to complement smartphone devices plus ergonomically friendly


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outer packaging repeats the lightening bolt symbol in a spectrum of color


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disposable aspect lends the product towards low weight properties


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