during prague designblok 09, maestrokatastrof(silvie luběnová) and whitefruits came together to exhibit a selection of ceramic pieces.

‘nothing ever goes according to the plan’ by maestrokatastrof

luběnová presented a series of dishes with compositions of photographs and related imagery from her childhood. they tell a tale of ‘once upon a time…’, of those people who are dear to her, keeping frozen in time, happy memories and good endings.

maestrokatastrof & whitefruitsdetail

maestrokatastrof & whitefruits‘we were all perfect once’ by maestrokatastroff

maestrokatastrof & whitefruits‘common darling’ by maestrokatastrof

maestrokatastrof & whitefruitsmugs with coffee stained images by whitefruits

whitefruits displayed a collection of tableware including mugs with coffee stained imagery printed within the drinking vessels along with their amforj vases.

maestrokatastrof & whitefruits detail

maestrokatastrof & whitefruits detail

maestrokatastrof & whitefruits ‘amforj’ vases by whitefruits