ted noten at soda images courtesy of soda

atelier ted noten‘ is the newest exhibition to be showcased at soda in istanbul. this dutch designer is well known for his jewelry, interior design and art installations. the opening event was marked by ted noten giving his golden ring to one of the guests, who agreed to wear it for some time and report his/her story to ted noten and pass the ring on to someone else. the experience will be repeated and the ring shall create its own story, giving way to possible new projects by the artist.

a resurfacing theme in his work is to challenge convention and norms by combining the familiar and the unusual. his interests have focused on the history of jewelry and trends in industrial design and providing criticism of contemporary living through his work.

ted noten at soda

the exhibition includes 24 examples from various collections ranging between the years 2005 and 2008, marking it as one of the atelier’s most extensive exhibitions. items from the series ‘haunted by 36 women’, ‘global tactile pieces’ and ‘the physical impossibility of wealth in the mind of someone owning’ can be viewed until march 27.

ted noten at soda

ted noten at soda