cloud family grave

cloud family grave by Shon Koh from uk

designer's own words:

Nowadays, people could remain a lot of data about their life such as pictures, videos, their own website, and blog using developed technology. These footprints of the deceased could be very valuable data that represents the age in which they lived and the life of their family. Cloud Family Grave is the medium that shows the life of ancestors and history of family to the future generations by remaining the deceased’s data as a scene of family history, not just disappear after the deceased pass away.

< Cloud Family Grave service process>
After a cremation, remained ashes are used for making a small memorial stone. It has a QR code which has the deceased’s fingerprint. All family members could access to the Cloud Family Grave that is a cloud computing service at anytime and anywhere through the QR code. Cloud Family Grave also has the data of other family members who passed away before so that the future generations could watch the life of them and learn history of family. Cloud Family Grave suggests that this cloud computing storage service and creating small memorial stone made with the deceased’s ashes as a ritual funeral process that creates the meaningful family grave.

The main image of CLOUD FAMILY GRAVEcloud family graveService process of CLOUD FAMILY GRAVEcloud family graveBenefits of CLOUD FAMILY GRAVE