cool hug

cool hug by damin jung from korea

designer's own words:

Compared to other trees, a bamboo tree has specific properties which are cold in itself. So, from long time ago, Korean ancestors had the habitual use of bamboo products during summertime. One of the representative bamboo products is Dutch wire which permeability is added to a cold quality of bamboo. Characteristic shape(circular and longish, It has many six-sided holes) of the Dutch wire is suitable for passing a breeze. And, it makes people holding it feel cool as reducing skin contact. The whole world will be hotter than now in 2020 as a result of global warming. And, single people will increase.

* idea
1. Add sneer to existing Dutch wire instead of wind.
2. Only make it cool around a user, make it cool
whole rooms instead .

* target : single people.

* Sneer principles
1. Mix water and nitrate fluoride in precise amounts.
2. Keep comfortable sleep temperature in summer
automatically. ( Keep 24?C ~ 26?C )

* Sources of energy : Flexible Solar cells.
( It's being used wearable PC. )

situation of using

hug20.jpg detail image – display panel(on/off)

hug30.jpg full image