
globalight by Shubhrum Pun from india

designer's own words:

Deconstruct | Reconstruct | Construct
To deconstruct is to adapt or separate the elements of for use in an ironic or radically new way.
Reconstruct is build up mentally and establish or assemble again; it is to subject, to re-form a structure or correct a defect.
Construct is to make or form by combining or arranging parts or elements together.

Inspiration : - MEMORY.
‘Time’ is an abstract concept which depends on the relative perception of the observer; a particular sequence of absolute time units may seem to occupy a longer or shorter duration, depending on its context, its significance in relation to that individual or in relation to the environment, gives birth to memory. Memory which is a curious set of brain mechanisms, curiously fragile and subject to frequent failures.
Nevertheless, it is the only source of reality we have—every fragment of the physical world has its only reality to us through our memories of experiences in it.
I preferred to think that memory is never frozen, nor should it be. The past lives on memory, but it is not static: it shifts and changes as the present throws its shadow backwards.

WASTE PENCILS in this case serves a better purpose for me to narrate the story and compose & redefine the global importance of re-purposing waste. Visiting few primary schools, walking along the footpaths, play grounds and various other places, I thought of hand picking these pieces of discarded pencils which are otherwise of no use and categorized as under complete WASTES.
The role of DESIGN in the global consumer economy has led to a surge in industry-wide sustainability awareness. A strong push to recycle or re-use has tried to decrease the amount of products entering into the waste stream, but the latest sustainability trend seeks not only to re-use an item to extend its life-cycle, but to re-purpose it towards an entirely new mode of use. Re-purposing’s current focus is to take perceived low-value items that were intended for the junkyard, and elevate them to new levels of utility or desirability.

An understanding of Form integration helped me identify and appreciate the beautiful HEXAGONAL form of pencils. Hexagons have evolved in recent years to become a truly modern graphic motif; also having an ecological association (honeycombs and other cellular structures) This identified property was totally explored in-order to construct something meaningful and contextual which would form an icon of awareness and has a message to convey to the viewer - (globally).

IdeationsglobalightProcessglobalightOn | OffglobalightDetailsglobalightTwo variationsglobalightPhoto-shoot with the user.