love your earth

love your earth by mariel de moya from dominican republic

designer's own words:

Love your earth. Literally love it. Like you would love your parents, your boyfriend, your girlfriend, like you would love a family member. Let's not do to our planet, what we wouldn't have the heart to do to them. Let's stop killing it like when we kill our forest, let's stop harming it like when we harm the ozone layer, and lets stop poisoning it like when we litter and contaminate our streets.

Why do to mother nature what you don't want to happen to someone you love? if we take care and nourish those who are near to us, why not do the same to our planet earth.

You would never end a friend’s life. Don’t kill trees. Love your earth

pollute.jpg You would never harm a loved one. Don’t pollute. Love your earth

litter.jpg you would never poison your family. Don’t litter. Love your earth