
memento by hakhamanesh mashayekhi from iran

designer's own words:

Life gets its meaning from the time and at the very moment of dying, one becomes perpetual in the universe. "Memento" is a symbolic product that uses new technologies to remind us of our deceased in a beautiful and calming way. The hour glass shape of memento is a metaphor for life, which can be explained only by time.
In order to use Memento first a picture of the deceased should be uploaded with its wireless system. Then whenever we turn the hour glass (Memento), as there wouldn't be any pressure of the ashes' weight on the upper metal part, it 3D Holographic projection system starts working and the uploaded picture would be projected in the upper part of Memento. The important point is that the image becomes clear as the ashes fall down and when all the ashes have left the upper part, the image will be completely clear. The 3d holographic projection system is placed inside the copper parts at both side.

Glamour shotmementoSmall descriptionmementoSteps-Different parts