natural mtion for natural music

natural mtion for natural music by moonchul kim from korea

designer's own words:

Many objects we use on a daily basis follow the motions of life.

Some of the motions are intended for practical use to improve our life

Usually, it is helps make life easier.

However, sometimes, learning a new function requires orientation for getting use to them and it doesn't meld into our life well without education of these functions.

Want to Ask that 'What is the meaning of the motion in our life ? and which one should go with?'

Not fast, not an invention, not too much... but not too slow, not inconvenient, not insufficient...

It is the most natural motion... Anybody is able to use it well even from the most basic
gesture motion.

For example, what is the most understandable and natural gesture when we want music ??
There is one of many possibilities showing a natural motion of acquiring music.

Input your mobile device in this product and just spin the lever.
From that motion we can automatically turn it on and adjust the volume.

From left to right ... from down to up...

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