
ori by jeong hye choi from korea

designer's own words:

Entering the 21st Century, Seoul has grown more competitive country in many part of field. Because of these developments, Seoul became the new, modernized model and has a lot of features. I focus on three kinds of features, diversification of the elderly due to aging, green design and investment for Sustainable development. ‘Ori' is good media that Seoul can make more beautiful and healthy city in the world. This bicycle can move two ways. One is power of human energy and the other is powered by self-development. And this energy can use LED that shows the operating status two colors (green and red). It makes users more comfortable mind and it gives safety environment. Next, this bicycle main user is ‘TONK’. , ‘TONK’ that think younger generation is increasing and their interest has increased. As new older generations, their NEEDS are being expressed in a variety of ways. They need transportation that can assist in their various activities. They can exercise and practice environmental protection Finally, this advance thought will make old people that live in the Seoul more active, more healthful.


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