sleepwalker rickshaw

sleepwalker rickshaw by nicholas jinkinson from uk

designer's own words:

A recent survey by two Indian civil society organisations showed that 90% of rickshaw-pullers in India are homeless, with an overwhelming majority of 54% living in deras (garages or places where they park their carts) (source:

Sleep Walker is a concept design for a traditional rickshaw, which offers improved versatility, lighter weight and distinctive looks.

The Sleep Walker is intended to replace the existing rickshaws used in many countries as a common form of transport around cities. Often, rickshaw owners are required to perform porter duties, and many use their rickshaws as improvised beds during periods of inactivity.

By changing the position of two rotation-moulded plastic seat parts, the function of the rickshaw can change from a people-carrier, to a cargo-carrier, to a hammock-type bed where the owner can rest.

A simple assembly of bent aluminium framework is combined with locally available materials such as bamboo and abaca rope, which encourages self assembly and maintenance. This and also offers a low initial cost price to the owner, and all other parts are standardised / off the shelf wherever possible.

The distinctive and modern looks of the Sleep Walker would also inspire confidence in the quality and safety of the ride that can be expected - offering the owner competitive advantage over his rivals.

The Sleep Walker could also be a response to the growing trend of emerging rickshaw services in larger western cities such as London, New York and Amsterdam. Whilst the faster bicycle-rickshaw is currently favoured, a traditional foot-powered rickshaw is more nimble on very busy streets where top speed is never reached anyway.

The main innovative features of the design are very clearly communicated within the design and structure of the vehicle. It is intended to be a self-explanatory tool which needs a minimum of instructions for successful use - making it ideal for export into different cultures.

It is hoped that this proposal presents a modern, innovative and simple response to a variety of issues. Above all, this design is truly realistic and despite its conceptual nature, would be a comparatively easy project to implement in production and marketing terms.

Rickshaw Owners Are Often Homeless

copy_315_2.jpg This Offers a Chance to Work or Shelter

copy_275_3.jpg Comfort and Protection Against Natural Elements