sound via optics

sound via optics by alexander karamanis from greece

designer's own words:

sound via optics is a system able to reflect the intensity of sound-waves in space through images with a microphone attached on a 3d hologram projector designed for home application. The inspiration of the switch design comes from DSLR camera lenses. The idea came by designers who created road-signs, reducing high speed by using a “sadface”.

This, so called, phenomenon is based on the principle called empathy. In short, all drivers reduced speed by the feeling of empathy to the sadface and it helps to comprehend some matters.
Sitting at a table with others, the people talk while they are eating, usually all at the same time (known as a bedlam), The main reason the above mentioned occur are similar to the reasons why one would exceed the speed limit. So I reached the idea to create a system, which would reflect and portray the volume of sound in a room or at a table, by projecting a three-dimensional space hologram and so to produce the “road-sign” effect; in other words warning the people in an interactive way so that they may realise the tonality of their voices in "real time".


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