switch over

switch over by from

designer's own words:

Most electricity is generated by burning coal and oil. Every time you turn on the lights, you create a little pollution. So saving electricity doesn't just put money in your pocket, it helps keep the air clean, too.

Swith Over is a new switch concept which snap fits on top of an existing standard switch, that challenges the users to switch off the lights when they are not needed. When the lights are off, the images slowly start to fill in by colourful powder. As time passes the images get filled in indicating you that you have made a difference to the environment.

This concept is not to be accurately measuring the time you have your lights switched off, but more to make people aware of the situation, and make them participate in a playful way and get some kind of feedback on their contribution.

The concept would be also ideal for children to make them aware of sustainability issues at a young age and get the message of sustainability across. Switch Over can be re-used again and again by flipping it over like an hourglass.
