The idea for the y hanger came from observing ordinary daily functions. it deals with the basic needs all of us have with hanging our clothes. Everyone who has a clothes hanger needs 2 hanging options: a hook rack option and a clothes hanger option. the y hanger is about combining these two basic needs into one platform. the hanger consists of 2 parts connected by a flexible spring-steel. when the hanger is closed, it functions like a regular hook rack. when open, the weight of the clothes pull the upper part down to become a clothes hanger. there are 2 versions: a wall version and a floor version. the floor version is actually three y hangers with very long legs.

materials: laminated oak or maple. natural or painted; spring-steel.

y hangers by shulab studio

y hangers by shulab studio

y hangers by shulab studio

y hangers by shulab studio

y hangers by shulab studio

y hangers by shulab studio

y hangers by shulab studio

y hangers by shulab studio

y hangers by shulab studio

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