blossom smart manager helps conserve water locally and around the world
all images courtesy of blossom






as difficult as it may be to face, the simple fact is that the world is running out of fresh water. droughts in many parts of the world, including california, the middle east, and australia have given rise to technologies that need immediate implementation. blossom smart controller is an advanced watering nerve system that commands existing sprinklers based on daily changing data, and user feedback. 






taking advantage of the power of cloud computing, blossom programs itself with existing sprinklers based on local forecasts and data from numerous weather stations and satellites, combined with user feedback to create an optimized watering schedule. blossom can be controlled from a smartphone, tablet or computer using apps for both iOS and android, which gives users command of the yard, no matter where they are. installation takes less then 15 minutes, and works with current system’s wires, valves and sprinklers, and can be placed anywhere, outside or inside. 




to help with large yards and distances, the device uses ‘powerline’ technology which turns electrical outlets into internet connections, when wifi is to far to connect. as every gardner knows, each type of vegetation has different water needs. to help with the diversity, the blossom smart controller employs ‘xona’ technology, which creates zones and assesses hundreds of data points to develop a customized watering schedule for the yard. the irvine, california company wants to help with conserve water and utility bills not only locally, but around the world. 


blossom can be controlled from a smartphone, tablet or computer using apps for both iOS and android


the device works with current system’s wires, valves and sprinklers


blossom uses ‘powerline’ technology which turns electrical outlets into internet connections 


the smart controller employs ‘xona’ technology, which creates a customized watering schedule


installation takes less then 15 minutes