cirque du soleil drones’ human interactive performance at ETH zurich
images courtesy of sparked team




cirque du soleil drones demonstrate the interaction capabilities between humans and machines in a dynamic performance. a floating group of computer controlled gadgets were shot as a short film and took place in the flying machine arena at ETH zurich. the visuals are real, meaning no CGI, wires or slow-moment were used to enhance the clip.


an interactive choreography performance where humans and drones move in sync
videos courtesy of cirque du soleil




titled ‘sparked’, the collaboration between cirque du soleil, ETH zurich and verity studios used the portable space devoted to autonomous flight at the flying machine arena. this zone serves as a testbed for research into aerial vehicles and was fundamental to the realization of ‘sparked’. quadcopter control and state estimation, trajectory generation and high-precision maneuvers are just some of the aspects they explore in the center.

cirque du soleil drones' human interactive performance at ETH zurich
the repairman is surrounded by ten flying lampshades during one of the scenes


cirque du soleil drones' human interactive performance at ETH zurich


cirque du soleil drones' human interactive performance at ETH zurich
the first interaction between the repairman and the flying lampshades


cirque du soleil drones' human interactive performance at ETH zurich
nicolas, the human actor, doing some repair work in his workshop


cirque du soleil drones' human interactive performance at ETH zurich
human and machine actors getting ready for a scene


cirque du soleil drones' human interactive performance at ETH zurich
the film shoot took place in the flying machine arena at ETH zurich, a portable space dedicated to autonomous flight


cirque du soleil drones' human interactive performance at ETH zurich
replacing batteries on the flying machines


cirque du soleil drones' human interactive performance at ETH zurich
one of the flying machines used during the shooting of sparked



behind the technology