an image from ‘black’ by sherif elhage, 2006-2011 all images courtesy the artist

photographer sherif elhage has combined his background in communication, fashion and advertising to develop his minimalist image series ‘black’. each of the twenty-three pictures from the collection were taken between the time-frame of 2006 to 2011 in both the middle east and europe. the composition of this particular series encapsulates the france-based artist’s appreciation of optical trickery, addressing the natural juxtaposition created by brightness set in stark opposition to a comparatively darkened surrounding space. while many images have been taken during the day, several others have been captured at night through the use of long-exposure photography. elhage’s depiction picturing the absence of light highlights whatever object, person or environment is framed by blackness– the series having been formed entirely free from post-production enhancement.

black by sherif elhage   photos capturing the absence of light a passing ship sheds light upon a darkened seascape

black by sherif elhage   photos capturing the absence of light the darkened perimeter of the sea view window  allows for the illlusion of the water and buildings to be created from an lcd screen

black by sherif elhage   photos capturing the absence of light the movement of the white caps of crashing waves adds a level of lightness to the night scene

black by sherif elhage   photos capturing the absence of light bright angular lights frame the peaks of a building’s facade

black by sherif elhage   photos capturing the absence of light white swans glide across a darkened water’s surface

black by sherif elhage   photos capturing the absence of light only the lights decorating a carousel inform the viewer of the object

black by sherif elhage   photos capturing the absence of light holiday decorations and a half-moon peer through the night

black by sherif elhage   photos capturing the absence of light as elhage traveled down a partially covered road, capturing a break in the naturally formed tunnel 

‘I shot this with my right hand while driving in the tunnel…it’s dangerous but it worked‘ -sherif elhage

black by sherif elhage   photos capturing the absence of light a truck stop illuminates the surrounding night environment

black by sherif elhage   photos capturing the absence of light bright white clouds against a blue sky peak over a darkened hill