collaborative painting by MOMO and melissa brown

MOMO and melissa brown

at: espeis archetype gallery, williamsburg, brooklyn
from: july 12th – 26th, 2008

for the month of june, artists MOMO and melissa brown have been battling it out by painting and repainting on top of each others work on the wall outside of espeis archetype gallery. their active painting draws from the competitive nature of the street, and though both artists come from very different art backgrounds, it is evident their work shares similar themes and color palettes. the result is a 30 feet long and 8 feet tall painting that is an expression of artistic attitude and street style.

MOMO: melissa brown: MOMO and melissa brown at espeis archetype gallery collaborative painting by MOMO and melissa brown

MOMO and melissa brown at espeis archetype gallery collaborative painting by MOMO and melissa brown

MOMO and melissa brown at espeis archetype gallery collaborative painting by MOMO and melissa brown

MOMO and melissa brown at espeis archetype gallery collaborative painting by MOMO and melissa brown

MOMO and melissa brown at espeis archetype gallery collaborative painting by MOMO and melissa brown

MOMO and melissa brown at espeis archetype gallery collaborative painting by MOMO and melissa brown

MOMO and melissa brown at espeis archetype gallery collaborative painting by MOMO and melissa brown

MOMO and melissa brown at espeis archetype gallery collaborative painting by MOMO and melissa brown