erik nitsche for general dynamics erik nitsche for general dynamics

graphic designer, erik nitsche (1908-1998) had a prolific ~ 60 year career working across the advertising, printing and publishing industries. he is best known for his long working relationship with the engineering company general dynamics.

nitsche was born in lausanne and studied at the collège classique of lausanne and the kunstgewerbeschule in munich. in 1934 he emigrated to hollywood at the age of 26, then moved to new york, before returning to switzerland (geneva) in the early 1960s. from 1965 to 1980 he lived in paris, and returned to the US in 1996.

see more images on katie varrati and derrik vincent schultz’s flickr collection

read erik nitsche: ‘the reluctant modernist’ by steven heller on typotheque the art director’s club