‘LEGO robot arm’ by max shepherd all images courtesy the designer

a LEGO robotic arm has been created by american student max shepherd. the prosthetic limb and digits have been formed entirely from LEGO and serves as a model to accurately replicate a full range of human-like motion, powered by pneumatics. the LEGO-crafted appendage has been completed on a 1:1 scale with 12 degrees of freedom. a play-block constructed shoulder flows into the upper arm, boasting a skeletal LEGO base to uphold the wires necessary to power the device. the elbow is capable of flexation and extension. the wrist of the piece is formed in such a way that extending and flexing movements are achieved with ease with realistic ulnar and radical deviation as well. the joints found in the LEGO-hand allow for the abduction and adduction of each finger, 3 degrees of rotation in the thumb and the independent control of each finger.

‘LEGO robotic arm’ by max shepherd

prosthetic arm built from LEGO the skeletal system of the robotic arm is built entirely from LEGO pieces

prosthetic arm built from LEGO the elbow is able to flex and extend in a remarkably fluid manner.

prosthetic arm built from LEGO every digit may be moved independently of each other

via the next web