world's first wind powered electric charging station
world’s first integrated wind-powered electric vehicle charging station
images © urban green energy

american urban green energy and general electric have teamed up to install the worlds first integrated wind-powered electric vehicle
charging station in barcelona. the system implements a ‘sanya skypump’, an innovative vertical wind tubribine technology
paired together with GE’s durastation EV charger to provide clean zero-emission energy.

originally designed for commercial and government application, a series of additional ‘sanya skypump’ units are projected to be
installed throughout the united states in shopping centers and universities later in 2012.

world's first wind powered electric charging station
wind-powered electric vehicle charging station at the at cespa waste management site in barcelona

world's first wind powered electric charging station
(left) underneath the intergrated ‘sanya skypump’ wind turbine
(right) 3/4 view from underneath

world's first wind powered electric charging station
cespa waste management site in barcelona

world's first wind powered electric charging station
render of a commercial parking lot application