onomatopee 19

desarting – where visual and industrial design mutually attract and distract curated and edited by freek lomme 72 pages – full colour isbn: 978-90-78454-17-5

onomatopee 19: desarting

art has to move you and design does not, unless it is a good design for a bus.‘ david hockney

continuing the perpetual discussions about the differences and similarities between art and design, onomatopee 19 offers a variety of insights on the issues, which both adjoin and separate the two fields.

onomatopee 19: desarting

the paperback designed by vera bekema & koos siep is split into the sections:

desarting #1: charles van otterdijk, floris hovers and iris peters

desarting #2: tom verbruggen, gijs gieskes and sandrijn van den oever

desarting #3: danielle smits, ruth lodder and renske brinkman

desarting #4: jeroen doorenweerd, wouter scheublin and lene ter haar

with additional text from iris peters, sandrijn van den oever, renske brinkman and lene ter haar

onomatopee 19: desarting

desarting is a case study of the act of visualising communication: it reveals the possibilities and its applications with respect to various autonomous qualities and engaging opportunities. the monthly series brings together creative entrepreneurs trained as designers and as artists to showcase their unique practices in the new onomatopee project space. a critical writer follows them and together they mutually and publicly endeavour to describe their practices, starting with an honest personal approach.

the function of art is not the enjoyment of the city, but questioning and changing of existing arrangements,
assumptions and views. this however is a main difference in my opinion. in essence this is something art
always does. good design can also do this, but it is not the purpose.‘ – jeroen doorenweerd
