riken-tri centre for human-interactive robot research (RTC) worked together with tokai rubber industries, ltd (TRI) to has develop a nursing-care assistant robot named RIBA (robot for interactive body assistance). RIBA is the first robot that can lift humans from a bed to a wheelchair or vice versa. the bear-faced robot does this using its strong arms and by novel tactile guidance methods using high-accuracy tactile sensors. RIBA was developed by integrating riken’s control, sensor, and information processing and TRI’s material and structural design technologies.

RIBA robot nurse bear

RIBA’s entire body is covered in a soft skin of lightweight urethane foam developed by TRI, which is designed to ensure the comfort of patients. in addition. the robotic bear can also recognize faces and voices, as well as respond to spoken commands. using visual and audio data from its surroundings, RIBA can identify co-workers, determine the position of those nearby, and respond flexibly to changes in the immediate environment. the motors operate silently, and a set of omni-directional wheels allow the robot to navigate tight spaces inside hospitals and nursing facilities.

RIBA robot nurse bear

via boing boing