LEGO’s ‘play and build remote for nintendo wii’

ideal for LEGO and nintendo enthusiasts, it is now possible to build your own wii remote out of lego. the toys ”r” us exclusive, ‘play and build remote for nintendo wii‘, is a build-it-youself kit that comes with a controller that features a face and battery cover with lego plugs. you can add your own pieces to upgrade your controller to your liking, or play around with the 31 minitiles already included in the package.  also included in the kit is a tile pick for when you want to dismantle your work for a new look.

the ‘play and build remote for nintendo wii’ is due out later this week and are selling on toys ”r” us for 40 USD.

LEGO's new wii remote

LEGO's new wii remote via akihabara