matali crasset portrait © designboom



last month, designboom visited paris-based designer matali crasset and spoke to her about a commission for the DRAC burgundy mediation: bureau des projects to produce a set of nine chandeliers to be installed inside the cathedral of saint bénigne in dijon. here is a sneak preview of the work.



matali crasset: chandeliers for cathedral of saint bénigne in dijon in matali’s office image © designboom



the building, whose construction began in 1280, presenting a gothic edifice covered with ribbed vaults, was completed by the first half of the 14th century. since 1862, the structure has been classified as a historic monument. considering the cathedral’s origins, the design of crasset’s chandeliers draws on the traditional elements of the architectural space.



matali crasset: chandeliers for cathedral of saint bénigne in dijon project of the chandelier consisting of 8 main lighting components image © designboom



during easter of this year, a chandelier consisting of 8 main lighting components will be added in the cathedral’s nave to complete the installation.



matali crasset: chandeliers for cathedral of saint bénigne in dijon upon arrival to the cathedral image by blaise adilon



matali crasset: chandeliers for cathedral of saint bénigne in dijon the lights being positioned into place image by blaise adilon



matali crasset: chandeliers for cathedral of saint bénigne in dijon daytime and nighttime images of the pendant image by blaise adilon



matali crasset: chandeliers for cathedral of saint bénigne in dijon the chandeliers seem to be magically suspended, an allusion to a transcendental world (see detail of the chain). image by blaise adilon



matali crasset: chandeliers for cathedral of saint bénigne in dijon (left) detail showing how the lights are fastened to the wall (right) detail of the chain image by blaise adilon



matali crasset: chandeliers for cathedral of saint bénigne in dijon overall view of the cathedral image by blaise adilon



matali crasset: chandeliers for cathedral of saint bénigne in dijon image by blaise adilon



matali crasset: chandeliers for cathedral of saint bénigne in dijon image by blaise adilon