‘get your toilet back’ from reclaim your space advertisement by leo burnett for bajaj exhaust fans  all images © amol jadhav photography 

leo burnett india is the advertising agency behind the new posters for bajaj exhaust fans. three rooms are taken over by a notably smelly object — cigarettes, fish and socks. instead of using photoshop, a bathroom, kitchen and bedroom were physically veiled in one of the three elements and photographed by amol jadhav. the campaign appeals to the viewers sense of smell and memory, but through a visual outlet.   

process video for cigarettes

reclaim your space advertising campaign by leo burnett ‘get your kitchen back’ from reclaim your space advertisement by leo burnett for bajaj exhaust fans 

process video for fish

reclaim your space advertising campaign by leo burnett ‘get your bedroom back’ from reclaim your space advertisement by leo burnett for bajaj exhaust fans 

via ads of the world