the son of a prosperous french businessman, rene R. bouché was born in 1906 in prague, traveled much in youth and early demonstrated a flair for art. bouché was already in his thirties, before he could convince vogue to give him a chance and it is in 1939 when his first work appeared in the english and french issues. at the outbreak of world war II he was taken prisoner and fled 1941 to new york. there he started working for the american vogue. until his sudden death in 1963 he was the last of the old school illustrators who still worked for vogue.

november, 1953

fashion illustration and portraits by robert bouchemarch, 1947

fashion illustration and portraits by robert bouchejune, 1947

fashion illustration and portraits by robert bouchemarch, 1958

fashion illustration and portraits by robert boucheapril, 1958

these illustrations, beautifully rendered by rené R. bouché are available at the condenast online store related time magazine article from 1959