serious trekkies have long fashioned copies of their favorite costumes and props, and,back in the ’70s and ’80s, a few even put together homemade knockoffs of the captain’s chair.

a full-size replica of the captain’s chair from the bridge of the U.S.S. enterprise, as seen in the original ‘star trek’ television series.

a full size replica of the enterprise captain's chairscott veazie in his replica chair image © susan seubert for the new york times

it is a commonly held view that captain kirk’s throne was built around the black naugahyde cushioning and slim walnut arms of a model no. 2405 or no. 4449 armchair produced by madison furniture industries of canton, miss., between 1962 and 1968. the late industrial designer arthur umanoff conceived the chair as part of an attempt to replicate the danish modern look, popular then. others believe it was created from scratch.

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a full size replica of the enterprise captain's chair

drawing on a wide variety of sources, including construction-oriented web sites, web-based entrepreneurs supply kits of parts, and a few companies just started selling ready-made chairs.

a full size replica of the enterprise captain's chair

action figure of capt. kirk on his chair

related: getting their kirk on march 18th, 09

photo gallery by photographer steve schofield containing with a ton of people dressed up as star trek characters

captain kirk’s chair replica is coming october 31th, 08