seoul design foundation together with designboom promotes an international bicycle design competition.


1- cycle design cycle design for urban transportation and recreational activities we hope to discover innovative and original ideas that can have a positive economic impact for the cycle industry. there will be particular interest in urban cycles that anybody will be able to ride easily around seoul, as well as cycles that address high-end design trends in recreational and sport bikes. there should be an emphasis on practical designs that can be commercialized within five years.

2 – cycle fashion & accessories design clothing, helmets, gloves, footwear, carriers, raincoats, lights, control levers, other cycle parts and accessories, etc. this category hopes to create a greater interest in fostering a robust cycling culture and lifestyle that joins style with practicality. designs appropriate in this category include: eco-friendly and fashionable clothing; cycle parts for cycling safety; and clothes and accessories that take into account seoul’s climate and environment. there should be an emphasis on practical designs that can be commercialized within five years.

3 – cycling infrastructure cycle storage equipments, cycle racks, traffic systems for cycling, cycle rental systems, and other high-tech, cycling-related systems. institutional and infrastructure efficiency for cyclist convenience is the most important consideration in promoting the widespread use of cycles in an urban landscape. the Seoul Cycle Design Competition is calling for ideas on cycling systems that are user-friendly, safe, and appropriate for seoul’s traffic conditions. participants can present suggestions about cycling promotion in seoul, including ways to make transferring from cycles to public transportation (e.g. subway trains) easier. there will also be a keen focus on efficient rental systems based on seoul’s IT infrastructure (e.g. GPS). there should be an emphasis on design concepts that can be put into practice within five years.

seoul cycle design competition 2010

winners will receive medals and prize money totaling KRW 52million (about $ 46,000 USD)

read more and register here