the word ‘opimiste’ welcomes visitors into the french pavilion image © designboom

upon entering, the word ‘optimiste’ can be read in neon lighting above the french pavilion, injecting visitors with a positive sense of our built world upon entering the space. a three-part exhibition, each section represents the past, the future and the present respectively, giving visitors an overview of the architectural creativity coming out of france from the 1960’s to the present. in ‘the past’, twenty reference projects are exhibited, including oscar niemeyer’s french communist party headquarters in paris. ‘the present’ showcases thirty projects that were completed between 2006-2008, and contains work by calori, azimi & botinaue, dietmar feichtinger and rudy ricciotti. however, it is ‘the future’ section which is the real focus of the exhibition. occupying three halls which surround the main space, 45 future projects and strategies which deal with new urban practices, interfaces, types, new hubs and lifestyles are displayed in cases which visitors can move and rotate to get a better view of the models. constantly changing videos installations and graphics are projected onto the pavilion’s walls, displaying encouraging words and thoughts regarding the future.

designed by french touch collective with franck tallon, the french pavilion is one of the most expensive projects of this year’s biennale. presenting multiple forms of generosity in architecture, the overall project is titled ‘generocity’, and reaffirms the social role of the architect in defining the lifestyles and urban habits of people today.

venice architecture biennale 08: french pavilion positive words and ideas are projected onto the walls of the exhibition hall image © designboom

venice architecture biennale 08: french pavilion image © designboom

venice architecture biennale 08: french pavilion the words and graphics are constantly changing, giving the viewer much to think about image © designboom

venice architecture biennale 08: french pavilion ‘plan 01’ one of the models on display in ‘the future’ section of the exhibition image © designboom

venice architecture biennale 08: french pavilion detail of ‘plan 01’ image © deesignboom

venice architecture biennale 08: french pavilion image © designboom

venice architecture biennale 08: french pavilion models are displayed in cases which visitors can manually rotate and move with their hands to get a better view image © designboom

venice architecture biennale 08: french pavilion image © designboom


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