map office: no stop island
no stop island by map office
image courtesy map office

map office’s territories of production is an extension of a compulsive
search for what they call ‘an island. beyond hong kong island where
the two french architect/artists set up their base, their itinerary have
taken them from china to venice, from lau fau shan to israel, from
new orleans to tenerife, following the thread of various opportunities
in the construction of this island. in their work, the process of making,
and often of appropriating, is the creation of an ‘archipelago world’ or
a patchwork of experiences that abort the notion of a ‘home’ or an ‘elsewhere’.
with sea levels most certainly on the rise, the sea becomes their new desert.
with the disappearance of numerous islands  across many regions of the world,
they propose an infrastructure capable of breeding new ones.

the pressure of water is everywhere. yet, the islands offer a new freedom
and serve the desire of its potential inhabitants. so, the shape of the island
is not fixed, not important – as it is ever changing. each island is a fragment
of a territorial carpet where the scenarios of occupation are heterogeneous
and contradictory. in this new world of fragments the density of existing
archipelagos can also be increased. for the second biennial of canary island,
no-stop island begins with seven miniature stories illustrating our fears,
our desires, our anxieties, our obsessions, our wishes.

map office: no stop island
no stop island by map office
image courtesy map office

map office: no stop island
no stop island by map office
image courtesy map office

map office: no stop island
no stop island by map office
image courtesy map office

map office: no stop island
no stop island by map office
image courtesy map office

map office: no stop island
no stop island by map office
image courtesy map office

map office: no stop island
no stop island by map office
image courtesy map office

map office: no stop island
no stop island by map office
image courtesy map office