simon brann thorpe photographs real soldiers posed as toy figurines
(above) ‘budhair no. 04
all images courtesy of simon brann thorpe




in western sahara, an almost 40-year war is ongoing in an unresolved conflict that has resulted in an estimated 160,000 people being made refugees. these startling and likely little-known statistics marked a starting point for a poignant and symbolic photographic series by simon brann thorpe. ‘toy soldiers’ documents the sense of displacement that inevitably follows the ceaseless non-resolution of a continuing colonial conflict, enacted through a collection of surreal scenes set within the african region.

‘lejuad no. 1’




throughout the course of the project, thorpe collaborated with a military commander and the men under his command. the photographs show these real soldiers posed as toy soldiers, standing in stiff poses on constructed bases and organized in tidy formations. the strange feeling upon viewing the images comes from the dichotomy between childhood war games acted out with miniature men and the everyday reality of these figures fighting oppression, and an incessant cycle of violence.


‘toy soldiers’ is now available as a book, comprising 96 color photographs from the three chapter series.

‘budraiga no. 02’

‘mehairez no. 03’


(right to left) ‘toy soldier no. 11’, ‘toy soldier no. 07’