calling architects, engineers and designers alike, applications are open for the third edition of the design by data advanced master course in computational design, digital manufacturing and building technologies, with the course beginning in september 2018. at the forefront of cutting-edge technologies itself, the program aims to enable attendees with a comprehensive yet still continuously exploratory expertize in the fields of parametric architecture, 3D printing and robotics. so if you are intrigued by innovations that are literately shaping our future, apply now and enter the world of data-driven design.

apply now for the 2018-19 design by data advanced master course in paris



the design by data advanced master course is run by the renowned école des ponts paris tech, with francesco cingolani as the director. as a computational designer himself and the co-founder of VOLUMES (a collaborative innovation space in the french capital), cingolani directs the program with pioneering knowledge and practice. he exemplifies the climate of innovation in paris, which, in november 2017, received the ‘european capital of innovation’ with the project fab city

apply now for the 2018-19 design by data advanced master course in paris
CLIMATE RIBBON™, an architectural feature designed by hugh dutton associés and sébastien perrault



in a style that inspires innovation in a dynamic learning environment, the advanced masters program encourages through a learn-by-doing approach. it offers a variety of subjects, fabrication and prototyping workshops, conferences, digital talks and networking events to truly create an eccentric and constantly evolving hub. and although the course is 12 months in duration, it is part-time by only requiring one week of studying per month. included are 350 hours of teaching plus a one-year research project, as well as an encouragement to students to exploit the coworking and fablab facilities of the school. its flexible practice ensures other professional or research activities are accommodated for.

apply now for the 2018-19 design by data advanced master course in paris
CLIMATE RIBBON™, an architectural feature designed by hugh dutton associés and sébastien perrault



one such project that not only explores and progresses new manufacturing techniques but also with a strong cultural and environmental focus, is the work of célia bugniot. the research aims to explore the potential of digital fabrication for an environmental reactive design that creates a light-filtering facade mesh from 3D printed concrete. these panels filter only the desired amount of light into each window, while preserving the aesthetic consistency of the architecture. it can also be made in almost infinite variations as it explores the versatility of the technology. the research project is conducted in partnership with XtreeE for the fabrication study and prototyping.

apply now for the 2018-19 design by data advanced master course in paris
image credit célia bugniot, nicolas pauthier, XtreeE



applications are open for the third edition of the design by data advanced masters, which begins in september 2018. to find out more about the program and how to apply, visit;

apply now for the 2018-19 design by data advanced master course in paris
image credit célia bugniot, nicolas pauthier, XtreeE


apply now for the 2018-19 design by data advanced master course in paris
image credit célia bugniot, nicolas pauthier, XtreeE


apply now for the 2018-19 design by data advanced master course in paris
the 3D printing facility of XtreeE’s concrete panels



the school just opened a new robotic fabrication lab with two collaborative robots