crush   be one with nature

crush be one with nature by daniel santoso from singapore

designer's own words:

Most people do not aware about clothes that they wear everyday causing a bad impact to the planet. The clothing industry historically has had a grave impact on the environment. From manufacturing processes to the usage of clothing, toxic chemicals have been released into our waterways.

Crush is an organic clothing company that has a strong commitment to protecting land and water. Our objective is to crush the way people think about clothing by crushing the old-fashioned harmful ways in which clothing is produced.

These tees are made of 50% organic cotton and 50% plastic bottle. It’s important to the environment that we recycle plastic bottles so that we can keep them out of our landfill. One of the best uses for waste plastic bottles is to make them into t-shirts.

copy_1_competition2.jpg Promoting organic t-shirts through skin allergic drugs. These t-shirts are designed especially for people who have sensitive skin. These tees are made of 100% organic cotton; it contains no toxic chemicals making it even more soft and comfortable to skin.

competition3_1edit.jpg The purpose of this ad is to encourage people to wear only organic clothing because it is chance for them to directly impact nature in a positive way. The leaves tee describes the naturalism symbol of organic clothing.