absorbent sandstorm skyscrapers envisioned to echo dubai's skyline while cleaning up its air

absorbent sandstorm skyscrapers envisioned to echo dubai's skyline while cleaning up its air

kalbod design studio envisions dust-collecting skyscrapers


Kalbod Design Studio’s Absorbent Sandstorm Skyscraper seeks to unite the patterns of the UAE’s tropical desert climate with its ambitious urban and architectural developments. Providing a sustainable structural solution to Dubai’s naturally occurring sandstorms by integrating creativity and technology, the Tehran-based studio conceptualizes a series of monumental towers that echo the city’s soaring skyline while cleaning up its air.


Led by a sustainable approach from design to functionality, the project proposes an area along Dubai’s main route lined with organically curving glass structures that capture harmful dust particles from the air and neutralize them. In addition to improving weather conditions, the project will play a vital role in reducing wider energy consumption, while becoming a research base to study the storms and provide better functioning solutions for the future.

absorbent sandstorm skyscrapers by kalbod design studio envisioned to echo dubai's skyline while cleaning up its air
Absorbent Sandstorm Skyscrapers clean up Dubai’s air | all images courtesy of Kalbod Design Studio



deep cavities absorb and neutralize soil particles


The Absorbent Sandstorm Skyscraper project consists of 25 towers along Dubai’s main route which will overlap and enhance each other’s functionality. With the key function to deal with the sandstorms in the region, the towers’ design process is inspired by their functionality. Their main structures consist of two deep cavities to absorb soil particles via magnetism, removing their electrical charges. As sand particles enter the cavities, they become attached to the smart particles inside the holes, which will open to a certain extent according to the storm’s intensity. Ensuring that all particles are neutralized, all their electric charge is absorbed in two different stages. Due to the larger diameter of the soil particles at a lower height, the lower cavity has a larger opening.


In a sustainable approach, the design team has also envisioned the installation of sand batteries in the tower’s facilities, enabling them to store energy for several months and be used even in other regional buildings. Our ultimate goal is to create a multi-functional area centered on scientific research, and each tower will be dedicated to a specific position. The zoning will include residential use and research institutes for physics, aerospace, technology, biology, and medicine,’ notes the team at Kalbod Design Studio.

absorbent sandstorm skyscrapers by kalbod design studio envisioned to echo dubai's skyline while cleaning up its air
their main structures consist of two deep cavities to absorb soil particles via magnetism

absorbent sandstorm skyscrapers by kalbod design studio envisioned to echo dubai's skyline while cleaning up its air
the towers unite the UAE’s tropical desert climate patterns with its soaring architecture

absorbent sandstorm skyscrapers by kalbod design studio envisioned to echo dubai's skyline while cleaning up its air
25 towers will be lined along Dubai’s main route, overlapping and enhancing each other’s functionality


absorbent sandstorm skyscrapers by kalbod design studio envisioned to echo dubai's skyline while cleaning up its air
Kalbod Design Studio installs sand batteries, enabling the towers to store energy for several months

absorbent sandstorm skyscrapers by kalbod design studio envisioned to echo dubai's skyline while cleaning up its air
structural sequence

absorbent sandstorm skyscrapers envisioned to echo dubai's skyline while cleaning up its air
plans depicting the multi-use zones and programs

absorbent sandstorm skyscrapers envisioned to echo dubai's skyline while cleaning up its air
concept sketch

absorbent sandstorm skyscrapers envisioned to echo dubai's skyline while cleaning up its air
design sketch



project info:


name: Absorbent Sandstorm Skyscraper
architecture: Kalbod Design Studio

design team: Mohamad Rahimizadeh, Shaghayegh Nemati, Zahra Tavasoli, Fateme Shaerzadeh



designboom has received this project from our DIY submissions feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.


edited by: ravail khan | designboom

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architecture in dubai (56)

art and architecture in the united arab emirates (184)

glass art and design (191)

kalbod design studio (4)

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