‘doshisha chapel complex’ by bakoko, kyoto, japanimage © bakoko



japanese firm bakoko and the engineers at structured environment has just shared with us their recently finished competition proposal for a christian community center on doshisha university’s campus in kyoto. the ‘doshisha chapel complex’ contains a center for worship and christian culture located on two adjacent sites bisected by a road. formed around the idea of the infinity symbol, the project is grouped into two functions, a place for gathering and a place for worship. the fluid structure is then a result of the different environmental and programmatic forces that push and pull on the spaces informing their specific heights. the rounded wall sections provide an ideal surface for light to reflect through the interior in a building that represents the ancient institution’s contemporary face, complete with an inhabitable parametric green roof. the peripheral circulation areas enclosed within a transparent glass perimeter offer areas for the public to meet in smaller groups and be part of the exterior gardens while enjoying the comforts of an acclimatized space.



bakoko: doshisha chapel complex proposalgreen roofimage © bakoko



bakoko: doshisha chapel complex proposalstreet level approachimage © bakoko



bakoko: doshisha chapel complex proposalunderpass between the two sections of the programimage © bakoko



bakoko: doshisha chapel complex proposalchapelimage © bakoko



bakoko: doshisha chapel complex proposalsite renderimage © bakoko



bakoko: doshisha chapel complex proposalfloor plan / level 0



bakoko: doshisha chapel complex proposalsection



bakoko: doshisha chapel complex proposalformal diagram



bakoko: doshisha chapel complex proposalconcept diagram