spanish studio munarq builds mallorca home 'ca na pau' from blocks of raw earth

spanish studio munarq builds mallorca home 'ca na pau' from blocks of raw earth

Living in the Countryside of mallorca


Architecture studio Munarq’s latest residential project, Ca na Pau, is located in the rural landscape of Binissalem, Mallorca. This contemporary house, built from earth, draws inspiration from traditional Mallorcan construction methods while embracing modern sustainability principles. Through the careful selection of materials and the integration of natural elements, Ca na Pau reflects a harmonious balance between architecture and its surrounding environment.


Ca na Pau is designed to embody the experience of countryside living, which exposes residents to open spaces and natural elements. To address this, the house revolves around a central patio with a surface area that mirrors that of the main house. This patio serves as a transitional space between indoors and outdoors, offering a protected yet open area for relaxation and social interaction. The design facilitates a dynamic relationship between interior and exterior environments, with thoughtfully placed openings that frame views of the landscape and allow natural light to flood the space. The result is a structure that promotes community while offering moments of solitude, capturing the essence of rural living.

munarq ca na pauimages © Ricard López



munarq integrates earthen materials


In the construction of Ca na Pau, the architects at Munarq are heavily influenced by the use of locally sourced and sustainable materials. The house is primarily built from earth, lime, and stone, which integrate with the surrounding environment. These materials both emphasize the home’s connection to the landscape and reflect a commitment to environmentally conscious building practices. Munarq’s use of traditional building techniques, such as lime plaster and earth-based construction, ensures that the house maintains harmony with its surroundings while reducing its environmental impact. This combination of local resources and sustainable methods highlights the balance between human craftsmanship and the natural world.


The design forms a cluster of spaces that offer varying levels of protection from the elements. These semi-enclosed areas create a sheltered environment, providing refuge from the intense sun and wind of the open field. Despite the protective design, the gaps within the structure offer expansive views of the landscape, maintaining a connection to the outdoors. This spatial arrangement fosters a sense of intimacy and enclosure while allowing for flexibility in how the space is used. Whether gathering with friends or enjoying a moment of solitude, the layout encourages a variety of activities in a comfortable and adaptable setting.

munarq ca na pau
Ca na Pau embraces the openness of rural life, centering around a large exterior patio



ca na pau: An Architectural Oasis


Munarq refers to Ca na Pau as an ‘architectural oasis,’ describing it as a place of respite and refuge. This concept extends beyond the physical design, representing the home as a shelter that offers relief from the challenges of daily life. The presence of vegetation and water within the patio contributes to this oasis-like atmosphere, reinforcing the idea of the house as a retreat. Despite its openness to the outdoors, the house retains a sense of privacy and intimacy, evoking the memory of old Mallorcan homes weathered by time. This juxtaposition between public and private spaces creates a dynamic living environment, where residents can engage with the landscape while still enjoying a sense of seclusion.


One of the most distinctive features of Ca na Pau is its use of ballast walls, a traditional construction method native to Mallorca. Ballast walls are made from a mixture of soil, lime, and aggregates of various sizes, forming thick, durable structures that provide excellent insulation. These walls not only offer protection from the elements but also promote sustainability by using locally available resources. The house’s exterior walls are built using this technique, with an additional layer of wood fiber insulation and local ceramic bricks for added thermal performance. An open diffusion membrane between the layers ensures that the structure remains breathable, preventing moisture buildup and enhancing the building’s longevity.

munarq ca na pau
the house is built using locally sourced materials like earth, lime, and stone



Inside, the walls are coated with a mixture of earth and lime, creating a favorable hygrothermal environment. This traditional plaster improves the house’s energy efficiency by regulating humidity levels and maintaining a stable indoor climate. The use of earthen plaster also aligns with sustainable building practices, as it relies on natural materials that contribute to both the home’s comfort and durability. By using these materials, Munarq ensures that Ca na Pau remains environmentally responsible while providing a healthy and pleasant living space. The plaster also enhances the building’s thermal performance, reducing energy consumption and improving the overall indoor environment.


The roof of Ca na Pau is insulated using straw blocks, a sustainable alternative to synthetic materials. These straw blocks are placed between laminated wood beams, forming a dense insulation layer that offers thermal performance superior to traditional insulation methods. By utilizing straw, the architects not only improve the building’s energy efficiency but also reduce its reliance on non-renewable resources. Straw, as a natural material, enhances the breathability of the building, helping to regulate moisture and maintain a healthy indoor climate. This approach supports the overall sustainability of the residence, reinforcing Munarq’s commitment to environmentally friendly construction practices.

munarq ca na pau
the structure maintains an open connection to the landscape through carefully placed gaps

munarq ca na pau
water and vegetation combine to create a peaceful sanctuary for relaxation and reflection


traditional ballast walls made from soil, lime, and aggregates form a thick, breathable structure

munarq ca na pau
interior walls are coated with a mixture of earth and lime to improve energy efficiency


straw blocks placed between wooden beams provide high-performance insulation

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architecture in spain (696)

earth architecture (68)

residential architecture and interiors (4305)