bold circular masterplan outlines MVRDV's innovation park artificial intelligence in germany

bold circular masterplan outlines MVRDV's innovation park artificial intelligence in germany

MVRDV’s proposal for the Innovation Park Artificial Intelligence


MVRDV’s winning design for the Innovation Park Artificial Intelligence (Ipai) in Heilbronn, Germany, sees a distinct circular masterplan. With this inviting and bold shape, the architects aimed for an immediately identifiable design that marks a pioneering site for the development of AI technologies. Occupying 265,000 sqm, the scheme hosts a mixture of programs, such as an office tower, laboratories, a start-up innovation center, housing, and a communication center, as well as other amenities such as a restaurant and kindergarten, transforming the campus into an engaging social hub open to the community. 


The concept was created for a consortium led by the Heilbronn municipality and the Dieter Schwarz Foundation. Ipai Campus caters not only to people who work there but is emerging as a destination for enthusiastic visitors who want to delve into the realm of artificial intelligence, interact with innovators, and learn about the idea behind the project. 


This generous circular silhouette serves as a branding tool easily recognizable for the city, introducing a design able to compete with world-renowned IT centers from Silicon Valley to Shenzhen and, in general, raise its profile in the sector.‘The striking form of the campus can help to propel it to an international stage, attracting world-class talent. Meanwhile, the welcoming and engaging atmosphere, even the recognisable appearance, make this place a destination where people can engage in the future of this technology,’ says MVRDV founding partner Jacob van Rijs.

bold circular masterplan outlines MVRDV's innovation park artificial intelligence in germany
all images © MDRV



a simple, flexible, & sustainable masterplan


Most structures span around 27 meters and employ a rectangular shape, making them efficient to build with modular grids and bio-based materials. Two off-center axes and a 1.2-kilometer-long path optimize pedestrian circulation, hosting a sprint track, skate park, and tribune that foster a series of outdoor activities and events, keeping the site lively all day long.


According to the MVRDV team, the project’s core accommodates a set of structures, defined as ‘specials’, with their unique typologies, iconic forms, and heights standing out from the crowd and defining the campus skyline. The highlight is the communications center, a round tower on the central plaza at the heart of the plan that doubles as a gathering point with space for events, exhibitions, conferences, a visitor center, and a training center. The programming of these spaces prompts interaction with AI, as conceived in cooperation with Berlin-based experts for placemaking REALACE (see more here).


bold circular masterplan outlines MVRDV's innovation park artificial intelligence in germany
thanks to its generous shape, the campus is even visible in satellite photos


The campus’s compact design leaves a large amount of the overall site available for parametric landscape design by LOLA, strengthening thus the location’s existing natural features. Accordingly, a part of Heilbronn that is currently grassland will see the growth of forests, orchards, and meadows, which will serve as test beds for biodiversity- and agriculture-related AI tech. These natural elements contribute to reducing the carbon footprint of the campus, while during operation, its energy consumption will reach an 80% lower result than a regular campus of the same size.


The project follows bioclimatic strategies with energy-efficient buildings that minimize the energy required to operate the campus. Renewable energy is harvested locally through wind turbines and solar panels and stored using batteries and ground-based heat and cold storage. According to MVRDV, the plan aims for 100% carbon neutrality over the course of its lifespan.

bold circular masterplan outlines MVRDV's innovation park artificial intelligence in germany
the majority of the structures have simple rectangular silhouettes

bold circular masterplan outlines MVRDV's innovation park artificial intelligence in germany
the structures will be built with modular grids and bio-based materials

bold circular masterplan outlines MVRDV's innovation park artificial intelligence in germany
outdoor activities and events animate the site all day long


project info:


name: Innovation Park Artificial Intelligence

architects: MVRDV | @mvrdv

in collaboration with: LOLA Landscape Architects alongside Thornton Tomasetti, Studio
Animal-Aided Design, REALACE, Peutz Consult, and Gruner Deutschland

client: Ipai Consortium

location: Heilbronn, Germany

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