gmp architekten wins bid for national convention and exhibition centerimage © gmp architekten



international practice gmp architekten has just won the competition to build the new national convention and exhibition center in tianjin, the third in china of such international importance. the one-storey structure takes up a total area of 1.2 million square meters built in two almost identical phases that include a central entry hall covered by metal frame tree-like canopies and eight exhibition halls on either side of 12,500 square meters each. in total, the project will occupy 1.2 million square meters of space next to the tianjin avenue highway and the shoreline of the river haihe, with 400,000 square meters allocated for exhibitions. the pitched shed-typology roofs allow indirect natural light to penetrate through to the various gardens, courtyards, walkways and restaurants creating a comfortable environment. around the perimeter of the central program a congress center, hotels, administrative offices and exterior display areas mark the perimeter of the site.

gmp architekten wins bid for national convention and exhibition centerentrance hallsimage © gmp architekten

gmp architekten wins bid for national convention and exhibition centertrellised canopy structuresimage © gmp architekten

gmp architekten wins bid for national convention and exhibition centerentrance corridor spaceimage © gmp architekten

gmp architekten wins bid for national convention and exhibition centerimage © gmp architekten

gmp architekten wins bid for national convention and exhibition centerimage © gmp architekten

gmp architekten wins bid for national convention and exhibition centersite planimage © gmp architekten




project info:


design: meinhard von gerkan and stephan schutz with nicolas pomränkeproject management, competition: simon schetter, patrick pfleidererteam, competition: helene käschel, katja pötzsch, jens förster, keke ye, stefan hornscheidt, bernd gotthardt, ulrike finkbeiner, thilo zehme, jan deml, zhou bin, george liang, christian machnacki, gai xudong, wu di, wang jue, lin weiproject management, planning: stephan rewolle, matthias wiegelmann, bao weiteam, planning: lin wei, tian xueli, mulyanto, wu di, stefan hornscheidt, yulia gandasariclient: tianjin planning bureaugross floor area: messegelände: 1.200.000 square metres, additional space for urban design purposes: 2.150.000 square metres