located in norway, helgelandskysten is the longest of the 18 norwegian scenic routes, encountering many unique natural phenomena like the aurora borealis, the world’s largest tidal maelstrom and the country’s second largest glacier. to complement this, oslo-based practice HZA has redesigned the existing site to satisfy the route’s requirements of architectural quality as well as services to the public.

HZA's public toilets in norway feature a concrete ceiling that waves up from the floor
images by steinar skaar and lars grismby



called uredd, the project by HZA reveals a redesign of the preexisting memorial monument with the same name. it features a new concrete viewing terrace, seating benches in the characterizing marble from fauske and a toilet building. an amphitheater enabling a unique view leads down to the beach area.

HZA's public toilets in norway feature a concrete ceiling that waves up from the floor



the planned rest area consists of a large poured concrete terrace facing the sea. from the concrete terrace, an amphitheater rolls down to the shoreline, making the shoreline accessible. on the terrace, a toilet has been established, built with a concrete ceiling that waves up from the terrace’s surface.

HZA's public toilets in norway feature a concrete ceiling that waves up from the floor



the most important qualities and characteristics of uredd resting place are the view to the north and the midnight sun. the view to the fjord is magnificent, facing the mountain summits as well towards the vast open ocean. the war memorial for the submarine is an important, existing element on site which gave its identity and name: ureddplassen, which in norwegian means a fearless place.

HZA's public toilets in norway feature a concrete ceiling that waves up from the floor

HZA's public toilets in norway feature a concrete ceiling that waves up from the floor

HZA's public toilets in norway feature a concrete ceiling that waves up from the floor

HZA's public toilets in norway feature a concrete ceiling that waves up from the floor

HZA's public toilets in norway feature a concrete ceiling that waves up from the floor

HZA's public toilets in norway feature a concrete ceiling that waves up from the floor

HZA's public toilets in norway feature a concrete ceiling that waves up from the floor



project info:


name: uredd public toilets
architects: HZA
typology: service, landscape
location: ureddplassen, gildeskål, norway
year: 2018
status: completed
size: 2000 m2
client: statens veivesen, norwegian scenic route
collaborators: landskapsfabrikken (landscape), k. apeland (engineer)
team: tora arctander, marit justine haugen, dan zohar